The History of Merrill's Marauders

Aug. 1943

Allied leaders attending the Quebec Conference identify the need for an American long-range penetration unit to pursue Japanese forces in Burma.

Sep. 1943

A force is established of around 3,000 volunteers including combat veterans already serving in the Pacific. They are designated the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) - code named "Galahad" and embark for India aboard the SS Lurline.

31 Oct. 1943

The 3 battalions of 5307th arrive in Bombay to organize and begin training at Deolali, a British transit camp 125 miles to the east.

Nov. 1943 - Jan. 1944

The unit relocates by train to Deogarh in eastern India and conducts intense jungle training.

8 Jan. 1944

The 5307th is assigned to the field command of General Stilwell in northern Burma

8 Jan. 1944

The unit is ordered to advance to Ledo on the Burmese border by 7 February

Stay Tuned, More to Follow.

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